Breton Calvary for the 19th RI

The Boisanger’s family took the initiative, in 1924, to build this calvary dedicated to the memory of officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the 19th Regiment.

This monument is located at the same place where the lieutenant Augustin Breart de Boisanger felt in December 17th 1914.

During this attack, he is ingured a first time. To his men who asked him to go to the rear for treatment, he replied « I’m not abandoning my Bretons ».

The failure of this attack was total and bloody. More than half of the men who attempted to retreat to the rear were killed on the spot.

The breton calvary of Ovillers-La-Boisselle pays tribute of the brave soldiers of the 19th RI from Brest, killed, injured or missing while the Ovillers attack on December 17th 1914, while the sector was held by French troops.

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