Linfield Memorial

As the writer and former physical education and sports teachers said : « sport comes out of the trenches ! ».

Footballers, rugbymen, Olympic medalists, Tour de France runners, all sports had people missing during the First World War and during the Battles of the Somme.

Do not forget to pay tribute to them by going to the Linfield Memorial in Bertrancourt.

Inaugurated on September 3rd 2022, it pays tribute to all the supporters, to the 15 players from Linfield Football Club who died in combat, to those from all over Northern Ireland but also to all athletes from all around the world. It was mainly financed by donations of 100 pounds sterling from 130 supporters, by the Linfield Club and the town of Bertrancourt.

It had been drawn by Lee Doherty, ancient football player from Linfield, built in red bricks and glass from Northern Ireland, we can see, in the middle, a very moving poem, written by Johnny Jamison, the Club Coach. On the glasses, a soldier and a footballer are engraved.

We can also see a pair of crampons, a foot ball, a wrought iron soldier and two lions, guardians of the Memorial and the Memory of these brave soldiers, enough to perpetuate the memory of these young people who died in combat and who, like those from today, had a passion for the round ball.

Address :
Linfield Bertrancourt Somme Memorial
1 Rue de la Paix 80560 BERTRANCOURT