The Madelon for the 34th British Division

You have to be careful not do miss it !

Located at the end of the village, towards Contalmaison by the D20, this monument is at the edge of a field, sometimes hide by vegetation. Only a little gassy path allow you to go see it by walk. It had been built at the place where the 34th Division at their headquarter in 1916. We can read « To the glory of God and in memory pf heroic death ».

This monument had been built to commemorate this illustrious actions of the 34th British Division carried out near this location on July 1st 1916. The first battle in which the division was engaged.

The statue is an allegory of victory. It represents a woman, draped in a toga, carrying a sword in its shealth on her left side and raising her right hand towards the horizon.

Many name her « La Madelon », reminding a famous song written in 1914 by Louis Bousquet on a Camille Robert’s music. The song quickly became popular with the French soldiers and became a symbol of war effort and the courage of the soldiers during the conflict.

The lyrics explains the story of a young woman, Madelon, who is represented has a canteen or field nurse, comforting and supporting French soldiers on the front line. The song evokes the soldiers' admiration and affection for Madelon, who represents courage, resilience and hope in difficult times.

It had been singing by French soldiers to maintain morale and build camaraderie during war. It was taken up during later periods of conflict to remember the dedication and sacrifice of French soldiers, and became a symbol of unity and national pride.

Today, this son gis considerate as a classic of French Military music. It is often interpreted while commemoration ceremonies and patriotic demonstrations. The lyrics of the song evoke the courage and spirit of sacrifice of the soldiers, while emphasizing the importance of support and solidarity in difficult times.

« The Madelon » is still a symbol of history and collective memory of France, remembering the dedication of men and women who served during the First World War, as well as their contribution to the defense of their country.