P'tit Train de la Haute Somme

An unforgettable journey

Choo! Choo! Do not miss the train! Quickly sit on board an old-time local train for a 14 km ride and a journey out of time, allowing you to discover the magnificent landscapes of the Haute Somme Valley.

Either you are with children, friends, or just as a couple enjoy this railway experience through fields and woods alongside the river and ponds of the Somme.

The museum features a wonderful collection of locomotives and wagons worthy of those at Hogwarts.

The 7 km long P'tit train de la Haute Somme line was part of a network built by the French and British armies for the Battle of the Somme (July to November 1916). Designed to prepare for the offensive of July 1st, 1916, and to supply artillery, this network allowed maintaining contact with French and British soldiers on the front lines, often under bad conditions, with the track laid in the mud. This network served the area of the old Somme ponds and was extended through the marshes with the advance of the front, thus covering about thirty kilometres. The small train could transport up to 1500 tons of material and ammunition daily.

Enjoy the museum shop and the Café

Prices :

Adults : 12 €

Children (5 - 12 years old) : 7.50 €

Phone number :


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Address :

58 Rte de Roye, 80340, LA NEUVILLE-LES-BRAY

Web Site: